Jen and Kathryn bring EFT to life with their authentic and raw approach, providing insights into the application, learning, and integration of the EFT model.
Experience EFT in a real and meaningful way as they help
you grow as a couples therapist.

Ketamine Assisted Therapy
Explore how ketamine can benefit couples in EFT Therapy.

EFT Café Glossary of Terms
A quick reference guide for EFT language & key EFT concepts.
You CAN feel confident, competent, and connected to yourself and your EFT colleagues while learning and growing in EFT.
Inside The EFT Café is an online program for practitioners who are ready to expand their EFT skills, grow their practice, and impact lives.
LEARN MORE HEREWhat They're Saying ...

The EFT Café has deepened my understanding of EFT, the science of attachment, and practical examples and modeling of safely engaging and deepening difficult, defenses and emotions. Watching video examples and hearing the associated teaching help me internalize skills and understand what is happening within the clients, how to be with them, and then facilitate discovery of emotions and attachment needs. I have grown in skills and confidence in helping couples turn toward and reach for one another in emotionally safe ways, and to be met and held by their partner”.
Lori Casselman, LCSW

In tribute to the late Dr. Sue Johnson,
the brilliant creator and primary developer of EFT for Couples. Sue's hard work, passion and devotion to EFT has improved innumerable lives and relationships around the world. Sue, the best selling author of Hold Me Tight (Little, Brown, 2008), is the Founder of the International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy, the home for EFT therapists in over 40 countries. ICEEFT certifies clinicians as EFT Therapists, Supervisors, and Trainers. Kathryn and Jen are ICEEFT Certified Supervisors and Kathryn was an ICEET Trainer for 16 years.
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