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Learn how to become a thriving EFT therapist

with Kathryn Rheem & Jennifer Olden


Inside The EFT Café is a premier online program for therapists who are ready to expand their EFT skills, grow their practice, and impact lives. 

Inside The EFT Café is a premier online program for therapists who are ready to expand their EFT skills, grow their practice, and impact lives.

Build a successful practice working with couples.

Whether you are new to EFT or an experienced trainer our program provides all the lessons you need to succeed.

Inside the EFT Café, you’ll learn the fundamentals of EFT therapy as well as how to handle nuanced and tricky situations that inevitably arise in sessions.

We’ve helped thousands of couples’ therapists in a dozen countries become better practitioners, and we’d be honored to help you too.

EFT couples therapy

Are you ready to feel confident
as an EFT therapist? 


Your Externship was a pivotal moment, similar to falling in love or making a scientific breakthrough. You started to view all your relationships through the EFT lens, and with a new understanding of what went wrong, you have a roadmap to guide you towards sustainable and fulfilling love. You now have the ability to help clients who are struggling in their relationships and show them a path forward. EFT felt both obvious and miraculous. You left the Externship eager for more and convinced that you had found your theoretical home.

You formed an EFT community, experienced greater success with couples than ever before, and even your own relationships improved. You no longer feared working with couples, and you felt optimistic about love.

And then came The Fall.

Everyone experiences The Fall, a period of demoralization while learning EFT. Perhaps you started to see the cracks in your own relationship, or you felt the pain of your own losses in a new way. Maybe you had a conflict with your spouse and then had to counsel a distressed couple later that same afternoon. Perhaps a client walked out of your session when you attempted what you believed was an expert intervention. Maybe they even got a divorce. Or maybe you had a couple whom you believed had the potential for lasting love, but no matter what you did, they still wouldn't move out of Stage One. The Fall can be agonizing.

Kathryn and Jen understand this phase well and will support you through it. They remind you that the only way to heal is to feel vulnerable and loved at the same time. They will guide you towards the goal of becoming a confident and competent EFT therapist, providing honest, real-life support. They promise to show up as skilled but imperfect humans, hold your hand through the challenging process of learning EFT, and teach you exactly how to help your clients move from insecure to secure attachment.

Are you ready to feel confident as an EFT therapist?

Your Externship was a pivotal moment, similar to falling in love or making a scientific breakthrough. You started to view all your relationships through the EFT lens, and with a new understanding of what went wrong, you have a roadmap to guide you towards sustainable and fulfilling love. You now have the ability to help clients who are struggling in their relationships and show them a path forward. EFT felt both obvious and miraculous. You left the Externship eager for more and convinced that you had found your theoretical home.

You formed an EFT community, experienced greater success with couples than ever before, and even your own relationships improved. You no longer feared working with couples, and you felt optimistic about love.

And then came The Fall.

Everyone experiences The Fall, a period of demoralization. Perhaps you started to see the cracks in your own relationship, or you felt the pain of your own losses in a new way. Maybe you had a conflict with your spouse, followed by a couples counseling session all within the same hour. Perhaps a client walked out of your session when you attempted what you believed was an expert intervention. Maybe they even got a divorce. Or maybe you had a couple whom you believed had the potential for lasting love, but no matter what you did, they still wouldn't move out of Stage One. The Fall can be agonizing.

Kathryn and Jen understand this phase well and will support you through it. They remind you that the only way to heal is to feel vulnerable and loved at the same time. They will guide you towards the goal of becoming a confident and competent EFT therapist, providing honest, real-life support. They promise to show up as skilled but imperfect humans, hold your hand through the challenging process of learning EFT, and teach you exactly how to help your clients move from insecure to secure attachment.

Here's what we'll cover...

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To help couples reconnect, stop the constant battles, and deepen their love.

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To stay emotionally balanced in the face of couples' distress.

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To do the next best intervention with couples every step of the way.

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You CAN be a thriving EFT therapist

You CAN feel confident, competent, and connected to yourself and your EFT colleagues while learning and growing in EFT.

We support, teach, and guide you.

Through experiential and didactic lessons, you will absorb and integrate the model, uncover blindspots, and discover how to get traction during impasses.

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Inside The EFT Café

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An online program where you learn how to be a better and more confident EFT couples therapist.

Here's what's inside ...

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Webinars with Real Couples

Watch a demonstration couple and see how Kathryn navigates shame walls, blaming outbursts, and silent withdrawal. You’ll learn about the different moves and interventions in Stage One and Stage Two, and maybe most importantly, you’ll learn that your own messy humanity is not a liability in EFT therapy. Kathryn and Jennifer will discuss their struggles and triumphs to help you feel less isolated in your own EFT journey.

Webinars are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 9 AM PT / 12 PM ET. If you can’t attend live, don’t worry! You’ll have access to the recording, transcript, and session summary for later review.

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Interactive Office Hours

Never suffer alone - that holds true of life and in The EFT Café. You will get a chance to ask your most burning questions during Office Hours with Kathryn and Jen. You can submit your questions ahead of time and if you are unable to attend the live webinar, the recorded version and transcript will be made available.

Office Hours take place on the third Wednesday of every month at 9 AM PT / 12 PM ET.

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Transformational Education

You have full access to our library of pre-recorded EFT Café trainings to dive in and explore at your own pace. You'll find lessons on Pre-EFT, the Fundamentals of EFT, Stage One, Stage Two with AIRM, Experiencing Scale, Trauma, and Ketamine Assisted EFCT Therapy. You cannot get behind when it comes to these Core Trainings.

CE Credits are available for Stage 1 and 2 (6 credits each).

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Help Me Now

We understand that you are a busy professional juggling many responsibilities, and you often don’t have the time, energy, or bandwidth to invest in more EFT training programs - even if you need help. These clips are designed to provide a booster shot of EFT when you need it most, even if it feels like the least convenient time. Each clip is 10-15 minutes long, making them manageable to fit into the margins of your day. They include a demonstration couple and a relevant lesson for your workweek.

We’ve provided key words and phrases so you can easily identify what you’re specifically struggling with, whether it’s shame or an affair. You can search for the topic and find a clip that addresses your exact problem. This is your easy "Help Me Now" button.

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Ketamine Assisted EFCT Therapy videos of Kathryn's real clients

Some of the demonstration videos we teach from will include the intervention of medically prescribed Ketamine including Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP - Kathryn & Jen are trained KAP clinicians). Ketamine Assisted EFCT is an assist for both the therapist and the client. It can help good people get traction with seemingly intractable defenses. Medically prescribed Ketamine implemented with KAP is our field's leading edge, is a great catalyst for therapy, and is used successfully every day to treat depression, anxiety, OCD, pain disorders, and relationship distress. This groundbreaking adjunctive intervention is revolutionary, fits perfectly with EFCT, and brings the evidence-based interventions of EFT alive in new ways! We are so thrilled to now include Ketamine Assisted EFCT in The EFT Café.

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Commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion

We work toward being culturally humble, acknowledging mistakes, and growing our capacity to center those in the margins. Trauma due to racism, xenophobia, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny are wholly relevant to our field and we unequivocally stand behind Black Lives Matter. We also offer a Diversity Scholarship for mental health clinicians who provide therapy to those in communities that have been under-represented, under-served, and marginalized (see more details below).

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"Magic! I love Kathryn's words,

the way she says things that make so much sense, and I love how Jennifer repeats and clarifies, making it all even more likely that it will settle into my brain (and often my heart), in a place where I can retrieve it."
~ Karen Michelson LPC

Learn emotionally focused therapy
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Meet Kathryn & Jen


Kathryn Rheem, Ed.D, LMFT, EFT expert and co-author (was an ICEEFT Certified Trainer for 16 years), teaches EFT internationally with special emphasis on trauma, Withdrawer Re-engagement, and Ketamine assisted couple therapy. Kathryn has published 14 articles/chapters on EFT and is a co-author of two EFT books. She co-directs the Washington Baltimore Center, co-created with Dr. Sue Johnson Strong Bonds, Strong Couples for military couples, and completed the first study of Withdrawer Re-engagement for her doctoral dissertation. 

Jennifer Olden, LMFT, ICEEFT Certified EFT Supervisor extraordinaire, co-created the EFT Lab - an award-winning online series on EFT, co-founded the Sacramento Davis (CA) EFT Center, an expert who teaches EFT throughout North America and Europe, and maintains a private practice.

Togetherthese two experts bring EFT to life with their raw, real, and authentic interactions about the application of the model, learning the model, and helping you integrate the model.


What they're saying ...

EFT Cafe

"Seeing 'the master' at work, having her input about her own work with explanations - as well as suggestions for improvement. Exploring the questions posed by Jen to get at the nuance. The discussion of questions helped me understand how EFT can be most effectively, and flexibly, applied in real time. Yes. It brings so much to life. It helps to bring things into accord with the theory - and with sometimes more rigidly held ideas (on my part) of how EFT should be done."
~ Pat Layman, PhD

EFT Cafe

"I love the questions that were asked by Jen during the filming of the couple because they often reflected my own questions. I think this will give other therapists more confidence knowing that not everybody feels comfortable with EFT for quite a while! And the steps start coming together and they make sense after watching the café.
~ Deb SchnackLMFT

EFT Cafe

""IT FINALLY SUNK IN! I've stopped imagining that if my couples were only with a more experienced EFT therapist, they would surely have gotten to their bonding event by now! Watching Kathryn so gently, calmly and relentlessly wade in and out of the pool gave me more courage to do this with my couples. I found I can lean in to their discomfort with them, be more empathic than I knew was possible, stay in the fear or hurt or pain and in those spaces, just by being there with them, something magical has started to happen in my sessions."
~ Victoria Holroyd, LPC, LMHC, PhD

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The EFT CafĂ© is pleased to offer The EFT CafĂ© Diversity Scholarship to those who serve underrepresented and underserved communities in the field of psychotherapy. This scholarship offers financial support to psychologists, therapists, counselors and graduate students in the mental health fields who are interested in learning EFT or aspiring to become ICEEFT Certified Therapists or Supervisors.  Eligible applicants will receive a 40% discount. For questions, please email [email protected]. 

Enrollment is currently closed. 

Our next open enrollment is scheduled for October 24, 2024.

Leave us your name and email and we'll keep you posted with enrollment details. You'll also receive The EFT Café updates, news, tools and support to help grow your EFT skills.

Have a Question? 

In tribute to the late Dr. Sue Johnson,

the brilliant creator and primary developer of EFT for Couples. Sue's hard work, passion and devotion to EFT has improved innumerable lives and relationships around the world. Sue, the best selling author of Hold Me Tight (Little, Brown, 2008), is the Founder & Director of the International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy (, the home for EFT therapists in over 40 countries. ICEEFT certifies clinicians as EFT Therapists, Supervisors, and Trainers. Kathryn and Jen are ICEEFT Certified Supervisors and Kathryn was an ICEET Trainer for 16 years.

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In tribute to the late Dr. Sue Johnson,

the brilliant creator and primary developer of EFT for Couples. Sue's hard work, passion and devotion to EFT has improved innumerable lives and relationships around the world. Sue, the best selling author of Hold Me Tight (Little, Brown, 2008), is the Founder & Director of the International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy (, the home for EFT therapists in over 40 countries. ICEEFT certifies clinicians as EFT Therapists, Supervisors, and Trainers. Kathryn and Jen are ICEEFT Certified Supervisors and Kathryn was an ICEET Trainer for 16 years.

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